

Jai is a dance teacher in Las Vegas. That’s the fun side. On the humanitarian side, he marries immigrant women to enable them to get green cards. Then Gina, the rich daughter of a powerful casino owner Bob, comes to learn dancing. She falls for him. Jai is not in love with her, but gets engaged, wanting to marry into money. His future brother-in-law, the vicious, homicidal Tony is about to marry a Mexican woman named Natasha. But Jai knows her as Linda, the last of the immigrant women he married. On the night before "Natasha" and Tony's wedding, Linda and Jai spend a romantic but chaste night, humorously agreeing to a "divorce." But as luck would have it, a jealous, gun-wielding Tony arrives at her apartment. Enraged at finding Jai there, he begins assaulting them. Linda manages to knocks him out with a heavy object. Linda and Jai have no option but to run away together. They escape to Mexico, with Tony and police in hot pursuit. On the run, they realise that they actually love each other. Reaching Mexico, Jai and Linda get married, this time for real and return home. But a vengeful Tony is lying in wait and they are ambushed. Linda and Jai manage to escape by the skin of their teeth. They are on the run again, with Tony and his gangsters baying for their blood. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, and Gina is in a murderous rage, wanting nothing better than to kill Jai. How long can Jai and Linda keep running? And how far can they go before destiny catches up with them?